Author Archives: Christine Wiedinmyer

Upcoming Training!

See the calendar for more information.

November 2, 7-9 at Philip S Miller Library – Castle Rock – GSWC conference room

November 9, 7-9 at Philip S Miller Library – Castle Rock – CR Bank room west

All veteran officials need to attend at least one of these sessions but attending both is recommended. 

The sessions are mostly geared to open discussion addressing anything you feel you need to be a better official as well as any questions you have. The focus will be a combination of US Lacrosse rules and NCAA rules. 

Rules Interp: Pushing teammates on the 8m penalty shot

Here is a recent question and answer to the Rules Interpreter:

Q: On an 8 meter penalty shot can a defensive player push their own player to attempt to get in faster?

A: There is nothing in the rulebook that indicates this can’t happen, however, it is up to the officials to make sure the players exit the 8m in relative position to where they were when the whistle blew for the foul. This onus is on the officials, not the players, to make sure they are in the correct placement. They will take every advantage we allow them.

This is a game management piece. Both/All officials need to be watchful when there is an 8m set up. Pregame with your partner how you will manage this – what the Lead will do, what the Trail will do. Again, both partners need to be engaged and watchful during this time. At the captains and coaches meeting, remind the players to stand on the whistle, even inside the 8m. Instruct them not to move until they are told where to move to. This will help to prevent this situation from happening or getting out of control.

Regis Classroom Location

The rules interpretation meeting on JANUARY 28, 2017  is being held at Regis University, in the Science Building. See Map Below.
The building we meet in is the Science building – on the map it’s building T.
The Science building is off Regis Blvd / W 50th Ave; Use either Entrance #1 (parking lots 1) or Entrance #2 (parking lots 2 or 3, and then walk to the building.
The full address for Regis University (Northwest Denver Campus) is:
3333 Regis Ave., Denver, CO 80221

Trainings are ending and the season is coming up!!

 Thanks to all who made the USL Rules Interp on Saturday (Jan. 30).

And thank you to the trainers!! (Jen, Melissa, Lisa)

Remember, the last make-up is on FEBRUARY 13:                                                                 Classroom Rules Training and on field training, 8:00-3:00 Family Sports Center, Englewood

for more information, please contact

 ALL Officials must take the Rules Test(s)

Last Training Opportunity!! Feb. 13

Don’t forget about the final training opportunity before the season!

Rules Interpretation AND possible on-field training!!!

Saturday, February 13
Family Sport Center
6901 S. Peoria Street
Centennial, CO 80112

8:00-9:15: Rules Interpretation
9:15-3:00: Training
Material Covered: Make-up Rules Interpretation, comprehensive for all USL Rules
Participation Level: All who are officiating High School Games and need the rues interp or classroom training hours

The season is near….see you at training!

Hi All! Training is underway and there has been GREAT participation so far. Thanks to everyone who has come out and participated. I think that this season will have a lot of great experienced and new officials!!

Don’t forget to keep recruiting!! The more the merrier.

And I look forward to seeing everyone at the upcoming Rules Interpretation on January 30!

With any questions, please contact


Successful End of Year Meeting and New Board Members


We had a great meeting and picnic, with a Chipotle spread.  About 20 fellow officials were in attendance at park.  It was great to see everyone and catch up with everyone.

New Board Members were elected 

President – Cyndy Schlaepfer-Youker will move from President elect to President for a two year term

Secretary – Dennis (DJ) Bremser was elected to serve a two year term – job description:

  • Document meeting minutes and distribute to the membership
  • Maintain a file of the meeting minutes
  • Coordinate membership and distribute necessary information to interested officials
  • Maintain and distribute an accurate list of participating schools including the Athletic Director, coach, phone numbers, and E mail address
  • Maintain CWLOA website and CWLOA Facebook page or provide information to those responsible for updating these sites
  • Keep an accurate attendance of membership at all meetings

Rating & Training Coordinator – Devin Bauman was elected to serve a two year term – job description:

  • Determine and coordinate required training clinics for officials
  • Set dates for clinics in conjunction with CWLOA BoD
  • Create curriculum and organize and delegate necessary responsibilities to the membership for clinics.
  • Maintain annual ratings roster
  • Coordinate rating opportunities
  • Coordinate and assign qualified ‘raters’ when officials shall be rated
  • Act as a rating liaison by ensuring the membership understands the importance of their rating, the status of their current rating and upcoming rating opportunities