2023 Policy Positions including Weekly Q&A Discussions

As relevant and interesting topics arise during our weekly Q&A sessions, notes will be posted here as a repository of information or answers generated from them. This is a good page for members to check if they have a quick question that weren’t covered in training or the Rules Interpretation session. Important CWLOA policy positions will be posted first, followed by the longer list of interesting discussions in reverse chronological order.

CWLOA Policy Positions

  • Here’s the link to the 2023 CHSAA Girls Lacrosse Bulletin. Lots of Colorado information, there.
  • What is the official position of CHSAA with regard to issuance of cards when a player or coach uses an “F-bomb” during a game?
    • Foul language not directed towards an official or opponent should be managed with a yellow card depending on the severity or circumstance. Foul language directed towards an official or opponent would justify a red card. CHSAA looks at an F-bomb much the same as any other foul language.
    • A red card is always at the discretion of the official and should be used for things that are not in the spirit of the game such as, but not limited to: fighting, racial slurs, demeaning another participant of the game, and dangerous contact where the player wasn’t attempting to play the ball.
  • Who is the “Head” official for an Arbiter CHSAA (104531) Girls Lax game?
    • Formal policy TBD. Informally, it’s the official in the first assignment slot.

12 March

  • What constitutes “played” with regard to reentry into the goal circle after the keeper or ball has left it?
    • Any of the following events constitute the ball being played:
      • A stick is checked (no need for the ball to be dislodged
      • A pass is made to a team mate
      • A penalty is called on the opposing team
    • If the keeper or a deputy leave the goal circle, or the all does in the case of a pass, then the ball may be returned to the goal circle legally.
  • What takes precedence when there is a discrepancy between a published Arbiter game time and the published, home school game time or policy?
    • Officials need to be at the home field half an hour before the published Arbiter game time, unless they have been told during their confirmation with the home school that the game time has been changed. Then, they need to arrive a half an hour before that time. A note to the game assigner, if time allows, would be helpful
    • The away team should arrive early enough before game time to adequately warm up their players. With agreement of both coaches and the field administrator, a game could be delayed to accommodate a late arrival.
    • The later of the published Arbiter game time or the home team published game time will take precedence in case of a difference. However, with both coaches’ agreement, a game may be started earlier than the published schedule.
  • Is there a CHSAA specified length of time between consecutively scheduled games?
    • No. A discussion and agreement between coaches and officials should establish the time between consecutively scheduled games. Things to be considered in that discussion include:
      • Sufficient warm up time for players
      • Weather and daylight, if not lights on field
      • Away team travel constraints
      • Additional scheduled activity at that venue
    • Per CHSAA:  If there is a game time discrepancy, go with the time listed in Arbiter. There is no mandatory warm up time between games. We should not start contests early and if the game before runs late, we should start as soon as on time as possible unless the host school has communicated in advance that there will be a certain amount of time between games.